The Role of Serotonin Transporters in Tourette Syndrome and OCD

Tourette Syndrome is a disorder characterized by repeating motor movements and/or verbal tics that are not easily suppressed. It is common for people with Tourette Syndrome to have additional conditions such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and anxiety disorder. The simultaneous presence of Tourette Syndrome and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) has been of interest…

Run Away From Depression

Depression affects many adolescence and young adults and is the main reason of disability worldwide. There have been many drugs created to help combat one’s depression, yet they all come with negative side effects (Chen et al., 2017). Current research is showing that running can be its own kind of therapeutic treatment for depression. Research…

Structural neuroplasticity in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset

Professional musicians make excellent subjects for neuropsychology research. Music performance requires a complex interaction of auditory and touch sensory perception, bimanual coordination, muscle memory and fine motor control, all directed to shape the artistic interpretation of the music. Expert musicians often begin their study at a young age, during the ‘critical period’ of neural development…

Motor Skill Myelination

Everyone knows that practice makes perfect. Throughout life we learn new motor skills and improve upon them as we grow. It seems common sense that practicing a particular task results in increased performance over time, but have you ever stopped to wonder how exactly that happens? An immense amount of research has gone into trying…