Proposed Mechanism and Routes of Action Of COVID-19 Induced Neurological Dysfunction

Proposed Mechanism and Routes of Action Of COVID-19  Induced Neurological Dysfunction           COVID-19, arguably one of the greatest public health crises of the generation, is misinterpreted commonly and thought by many to only affect our respiratory (breathing) system due to the overwhelming damage it is capable of causing to our lungs.…

Blood Pressure and Dementia: Are You at Risk?

Mental disorders. It seems like everyone knows someone who suffers from one affliction or another. Some worse than others, though one can attest that dementia associated with brain aging is one of the most painful afflictions to witness. Most frequently characterized by memory loss, personality changes and impaired mental reasoning. Resulting in suffering individuals completely…

Incorporating Exercise and Mindfulness into Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) is a commonly diagnosed disorder among older adults. Despite its high prevalence, treatment options are limited. Physical exercise is often prescribed as treatment as it has the potential to relieve pain. Although the underlying mechanisms are not completely understood, studies have shown that incorporating mindfulness into an exercise program may also have…

The Role of Vitamin C in Spatial Memory Development: A Study on Guinea Pigs

In the Western world, taking a daily vitamin is common, accessible, and socially accepted as being part of a ‘healthy’ regimen. Many individuals don’t think twice about taking a vitamin to supplement the nutrients they might not be getting enough of from their food. However, many of those individuals who take vitamin supplements don’t really…

Marijuana Use and the Teen Brain

It is a common assumption to believe that marijuana is a relatively safe recreational drug. With its many benefits for people with several disorders and its impressively low lethal dose, it has become a popular drug of choice for teenagers and young adults. Marijuana, however, does not affect young brains in the same way it…

Run Away From Depression

Depression affects many adolescence and young adults and is the main reason of disability worldwide. There have been many drugs created to help combat one’s depression, yet they all come with negative side effects (Chen et al., 2017). Current research is showing that running can be its own kind of therapeutic treatment for depression. Research…

Exercising While Pregnant: Helpful or Harmful To Your Baby?

Did you know that exercising while pregnant can be beneficial for the health of you and your baby? Exercising while pregnant has been linked to less pain and swelling, heightened immune system, better sleep, and easier, faster labor and birth. The female body is amazing and goes through many physical and chemical changes to grow…

The pain-relieving effects of Electroacupuncture for nerve related pain associated with chemotherapy treatment

Acupuncture has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of nerve-injury related pain such as sciatica and diabetic neuropathy(1, 2).  The effects of acupuncture are further enhanced when an electrical current is applied to specific pain-relieving acupoints (ST36).  Electroacupuncture (EA) stimulates the release of endorphins (the body’s natural relieving pain substances) and also…

The Parkinsonian mimetic, 6-OHDA, impairs axonal transport

Parkinson disease is the degeneration of dopamine releasing cells in the midbrain area known as the substantia nigra which results in the impairment of motor function. Dopamine is chemical that stimulates neighboring brain cells into causing a chain reaction that results in the functioning of our body. Unfortunately the issues in treating Parkinson’s disease stem…