A Single Session of Moderate Intensity Exercise Influences Memory, Endocannabinoids and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels in Men.

Regular physical activity is a lifestyle factor known to benefit neuroplasticity and neurocognitive functions. Regular exercise enhances memory functions, synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels. Evidence suggests that BDNF influences hippocampal synaptic plasticity. This is shown as physical exercise increases BDNF, mRNA and protein levels in the hippocampus but blocking…

The Hippocampus and Trace Fear Memory: Formation and Retrieval

The development of trace fear memories is considered a declarative task (generally referring to the act of naming something). This requires higher brain functions (e.g. attention, conscious awareness) and multiple brain regions, including the hippocampus, medial prefrontal cortex, and amygdala. Previously, it was unclear how brain cells (termed “neurons”) involved in memory behave before learning,…

Blood Pressure and Dementia: Are You at Risk?

Mental disorders. It seems like everyone knows someone who suffers from one affliction or another. Some worse than others, though one can attest that dementia associated with brain aging is one of the most painful afflictions to witness. Most frequently characterized by memory loss, personality changes and impaired mental reasoning. Resulting in suffering individuals completely…

Altering Sharp Wave Ripples Leads to Improved Memory

Recent research has increased our understanding of the mechanics of memory and how the brain can improve memory when needed. The focus of the research was based around sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs). These ripples can be thought of as waves that activate pathways that store and later form memories. SPW-Rs are found in the region…

The Role of Vitamin C in Spatial Memory Development: A Study on Guinea Pigs

In the Western world, taking a daily vitamin is common, accessible, and socially accepted as being part of a ‘healthy’ regimen. Many individuals don’t think twice about taking a vitamin to supplement the nutrients they might not be getting enough of from their food. However, many of those individuals who take vitamin supplements don’t really…

The Long Term Effects of Sport-Related Concussions: Evidence of Visual Processing Deficits

With participation in sport being an increasingly popular interest among individuals of all ages, sport-related injuries are undoubtedly becoming a serious issue. In particular, sport-related concussions (i.e. complex effect on the brain resulting from serious biomechanical force, such as a blow to the head) represent a serious problem, with 15 to 20% of all annual…

Could Sex Make You Smarter?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland found that enhanced cognitive functioning and neurogenesis could be achieved through sexual experiences in rat specimens.   Aging is inevitable, and with aging comes an increasing chance of cognitive impairment. These age-associated intellectual declines, which usually appear between early adulthood and old age, are associated…

Enhancing Memory: One Stereotaxic Surgery Away

Imagine your life if you didn’t have the luxury of memory. Every day, in everything you do, you are using your memory to some degree. For instance, for me to type this sentence, I need to have a memory of things like where each key is on my keyboard, which words I want to use,…