Concussions in Retired Varsity Athletes

Parents typically don’t think twice when registering their children for recreational sports due to the many social and health benefits. As they get older, however, sports become more competitive and more physical. As a result, many athletes are at risk of suffering injuries, including head injuries. Concussions are a prominent issue in the world of…

People at risk for stroke should consider exercising more

A stroke is commonly referred to as an attack of the brain that is characterized by a sudden loss in brain function. It can be caused either by the interruption of blood flow to the brain (referred to as an ischemic stroke) or the rupture of blood vessels in the brain (referred to as a…

Concussions: Is it all about wiring?

Concussions are a popular topic in the sports world these days. Especially hockey, of which I am a big fan. A player on my favorite team is currently not playing because of a concussion. Perhaps the number one star of the game, Sidney Crosby, is also suffering from a concussion. In fact, it seems as…

Could Concussions Make You More Susceptible To Fear?

Concussions have gained a significant amount of media attention in the past year, specifically since Sidney Crosby, Canada’s poster-boy for our national sport of hockey suffered a concussion which is threatening his future career.  Concussions are considered a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in which the brain bounces off of the inside of the skull…