Namaste Focused: How Yoga and Meditation Can Increase Brain Control

Over the last two decades yoga has become increasingly popular. When practicing yoga the goal is to attain a tranquil state of spiritual insight that cleanses the body through meditation. Meditation allows individuals to increase their mental health and master self-awareness, emotional control as well as self-regulation. The variety of poses incorporated in yoga practice…

Enhancing Memory: One Stereotaxic Surgery Away

Imagine your life if you didn’t have the luxury of memory. Every day, in everything you do, you are using your memory to some degree. For instance, for me to type this sentence, I need to have a memory of things like where each key is on my keyboard, which words I want to use,…

Could Concussions Make You More Susceptible To Fear?

Concussions have gained a significant amount of media attention in the past year, specifically since Sidney Crosby, Canada’s poster-boy for our national sport of hockey suffered a concussion which is threatening his future career.  Concussions are considered a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in which the brain bounces off of the inside of the skull…

Hijacking the Free Will of a Cockroach!

Have you ever thought what it might be like to not be in control of your own body?  Most people will never have to worry about such a terrifying event but for the prey of the fiendishly manipulative Jewel Wasp this is an everyday concern.  The mature Jewel wasp does not paralyse or kill its…