Disconnection between Rat’s Left and Right Hemisphere Impairs Short-Term Memory but Not Long-Term Memory

The brain is a remarkably complex organ comprised of billions of interconnected neurons and glia cells. It controls all functions of the body and interprets information from the outside world. Intelligence, emotion, memory, creativity, and movement are a few of the many things governed by the brain. Some researchers believe that the function of the…

The Combined Effects of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Use on the Brain: Are Co-Use and Tri-Use More Damaging than Alcohol Use Alone?

Alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis are three commonly used drugs, and they may be used independent of one another, in a combination of the two, or all three may even be used by an individual. Use, co-use, and tri-use are terms that can be used to describe these conditions. Previous research has found evidence that when…