The Long Term Effects of Sport-Related Concussions: Evidence of Visual Processing Deficits

With participation in sport being an increasingly popular interest among individuals of all ages, sport-related injuries are undoubtedly becoming a serious issue. In particular, sport-related concussions (i.e. complex effect on the brain resulting from serious biomechanical force, such as a blow to the head) represent a serious problem, with 15 to 20% of all annual…

Concussions: Is it all about wiring?

Concussions are a popular topic in the sports world these days. Especially hockey, of which I am a big fan. A player on my favorite team is currently not playing because of a concussion. Perhaps the number one star of the game, Sidney Crosby, is also suffering from a concussion. In fact, it seems as…

Could Concussions Make You More Susceptible To Fear?

Concussions have gained a significant amount of media attention in the past year, specifically since Sidney Crosby, Canada’s poster-boy for our national sport of hockey suffered a concussion which is threatening his future career.  Concussions are considered a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in which the brain bounces off of the inside of the skull…