Altering Sharp Wave Ripples Leads to Improved Memory

Recent research has increased our understanding of the mechanics of memory and how the brain can improve memory when needed. The focus of the research was based around sharp wave ripples (SPW-Rs). These ripples can be thought of as waves that activate pathways that store and later form memories. SPW-Rs are found in the region…

Enhancing Memory: One Stereotaxic Surgery Away

Imagine your life if you didn’t have the luxury of memory. Every day, in everything you do, you are using your memory to some degree. For instance, for me to type this sentence, I need to have a memory of things like where each key is on my keyboard, which words I want to use,…

Could Concussions Make You More Susceptible To Fear?

Concussions have gained a significant amount of media attention in the past year, specifically since Sidney Crosby, Canada’s poster-boy for our national sport of hockey suffered a concussion which is threatening his future career.  Concussions are considered a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in which the brain bounces off of the inside of the skull…